起底张怡宁老公:数学天才,与女星相恋12年,资产成谜几近隐退在中国,运动员嫁给富商的例子不在少数,像泳坛大姐大伏明霞嫁给了梁锦松,郭晶晶嫁给了霍启刚,王军霞嫁给了李辉阳,晏紫嫁给了李圣根,杨扬嫁给了张震等等,在中国乒坛“大魔王”中,也有两位嫁入了豪门,她们就是王楠和张怡宁。王楠嫁给了比自己大8岁的威海富商郭斌,两人事业上相互成就,先后生下了一儿一女,生活甜蜜幸福,令人羡慕。张怡宁则嫁给了大自己20多岁的金融大佬徐威,两人相识一年多就步入了婚姻的殿堂,结婚11年,两人也生下了一儿一女,生活过得低调幸福。虽然结婚多年,但很多人对张怡宁老公徐威的印象仅仅停留在“富商”两个字。徐威是个什么样的人?在张怡宁结婚之时,有媒体曾揭开了他的神秘面纱。徐威是北京人,他毕业于南京审计学院,曾经留学海外,主要是从事金融相关的工作,在北京和香港都有不错的事业,是一位资产成谜的资本高手。值得一提的是,徐威在和张怡宁结婚之前,并没有婚史,算得上是典型的“钻石王老五”。徐威和张怡宁的交集在于,他本身是一位 体育 爱好者,非常喜欢乒乓球项目,两人在一次活动中相识,据称徐威和张怡宁的介绍人是我国首位体操世界冠军马艳红。年龄相差20岁的徐威是如何让张怡宁心动的呢?曾有知情人士透露,徐威丰富的人生阅历是吸引张怡宁的主要原因,他本身是一位数学天才,留学日本时还拿到了数学博士的学位,在华尔街淘到了第一桶金之后,选择了回国发展。张怡宁和徐威相识之后,相同的价值观促使两人更进一步,最终走进了婚姻的殿堂。虽然在和张怡宁结婚之前并未婚史,但徐威曾有过一段长达12年的感情史。他恋上的对象正是 娱乐 圈女神袁立。袁立在大学时代就认识了徐威,两人相恋多年,但随着袁立名气上升、事业忙碌,与徐威聚少离多,加上有关袁立的绯闻满天飞,最终两人分道扬镳,12年的感情就此画上了句号。后来,徐威与张怡宁相识、相爱,一起组建了幸福的家庭。不过,由于事业忙碌,徐威鲜少露面、几近隐退。张怡宁则回归家庭,养 育儿 女,成为了“贤妻良母”般的存在。 介绍张怡宁的英语短文500字左右zhang yining was born in beijing, china on october 5, 1981. she started playing table tennis at the age of 5 and at the age of 14, she joined the chinese national team. she has been holding the first place in the ittf world women’s table tennis ranking from january 2003, an incredible achievement by any standard. in the last several years, she had always been at the top 3 spots in women’s rankings. the best moment of her table tennis career came when she won both the singles and doubles gold medals in the 2004 olympic games, in athens, greece. zhang yining won her first title in the 1998 malaysian open, claiming both the singles and doubles titles. in the same year, she again won the singles title in the italian open. in 2000, she was again the women’s singles champion in the polish open and swedish open. she triumphed again in the singles event in the 2002 ittf pro tour grand finals. in 2003, she was the winner of the croatian open and china open. after that, zhang yining had won so many women’s singles and doubles titles that listing all of them would be a very 听说张怡宁要退出赛场,有什么影响? |
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