马术选手华天的英文介绍中国奥林匹克马术选手华天(英文):===========Alex Hua Tian===========Alex Hua Tian (born October 25, 1989 in London) is an Olympic equestrian sportsman for China.He was born in London to a Chinese father and a British mother, and has a brother, called Jamie Hua Ming. Alex started riding aged four while living in Beijing and later Hong Kong. His family moved to Wiltshire when he was 11 and then to Horsham in West Sussex.He is the only Chinese event rider competing internationally. He qualified four horses for the Olympics between October 2007 and May 2008. Although as a host nation competitor he only needed to achieve a minimum standard, he qualified in his own right through the rankings as the youngest ever Olympic event rider. He is currently ranked 21st in the world.Having achieved five A grades in his AS-levels, Alex has taken a year out of his studies at Eton to prepare for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. He is being coached by the former world champion Clayton Fredericks and his wife Lucinda Fredericks, who won the Burghley Horse Trials 2006 and Badminton Horse Trials 2007, at their base in Wiltshire.But surely that distance affects his sense of belonging to his country? “I'm Chinese and I'm representing my country at the home Olympics. What's more important than that to a sportsman? It will be spine-tingling,” he said.----From The Time爱国并不是只有用中文才能表达的.这段华天的回答字里行间所表达的意思令人动容.PS.这段访问是一个英国的记者写的.他在最后一段的评论中明显因为华天选择中国国籍而泛酸,非常有趣.哈哈哈.有兴趣的TX可以搜一下. 中国马术选手是谁啊?在中国马术圈里,17岁的华天是一个“大人物”。这位外表酷似贝克汉姆的中英混血儿,是一名才华横溢的马术三项赛选手。2006年5月,他曾在英国为著名的伊顿公学赢得了马术障碍赛“女王杯”,英国伊丽莎白女王亲自为他颁奖。 2006年,华天放弃了英国国籍,正式成为中国公民。他的梦想就是代表中国参加北京奥运会的马术比赛。 华天是中国马术界最有希望在奥运会上取得好成绩的骑手之一,可是现在,这位天才骑手却苦于没有资金购买合适的马匹。英国人罗山是中国马术协会高级顾问,也是华天的妈妈,她每天都在为儿子的前景担忧。 “华天现在在伊顿公学读书,今年即将毕业,如果我们想参加北京奥运会,就要在4月底前通知学校,办理休学1年的手续。如果在4月底之前找不到购买马匹的资金,我们很有可能不得不放弃北京奥运会。”罗山很遗憾地说,“如果那样的话,对中国、对华天来说都是一个巨大的损失。” 如果华天能得到合适的赛马,他不仅能成为中国第一位参加奥运会马术比赛的运动员,也将成为奥运会历史上最年轻的骑手。 马术运动员华天什么时候出场?中央二台转播。 为了保险起见, 下个PPS。 在PPS上面保证有。 请问 奥运会马术比赛中,华天骑的马是什么颜色!!! |
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